Dominique Lynn Dominique Lynn

Valentines Weekend Movies

Love is in the air!

Since it is still Valentine’s Day weekend, I thought…why not suggest some cool movies to snuggle up to your Valentine to??

Now, not all these movies are lovey dovey.  But, they are pretty cool and interesting to watch with someone.  Whether it’s a romantic comedy, thrilling suspense, or just an all around feel good movie to enjoy with your beau, best bey, bestie, or family!   


List of of Movies:

·The Notebook

    I love this movie.  Noah and Allie are definitely star-crossed lovers.  I love/hate some antics, but definitely a good movie


· A Walk to Remember

Oh, this one will tug on your heart strings!  I love this movie so much!  Mandy Moore is the main female lead, and I absolutely love her voice.  If you can, watch it once through, and then listen to the commentary version.  It’s really cool.



This is such a great movie; an oldie but goodie. It’s not a romance, but a definite suspenseful flick that will have you on the edge of your seat.  (if you haven’t seen this classic.)


·The Princess Diaries

One of my favorite Disney movies.  Anne Hathaway is soooo good.  This movie is old, but I love it.  I won’t give it away, but the best friend….ugh…..we’ll just leave it at that.



A classic.  Truly. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 

Shower scene.

That’s all I’ll say.  Super iconic.  You get to see the origins of a lot of suspense and horror movies’ inspiration.  Go ahead.  Cuddle up to this 1960’s thriller.  I dare you.


·Gentlemen prefer Blondes

I am a fan of Marilyn Monroe and this movie, with her costar Jane Russell.  Maybe you convinced your partner to get you a diamond ring for V-day.  Afterall,   “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”  This 1950’s movie is so iconic and I love it to bits.


·Moulin Rouge

Sexy, flamboyant, bright, and told in an exuberant way, this movie will have you in tears, dancing, and singing along.  Do pay attention, you can miss some key points.  Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor are a must watch in this film!


·The Great Gatsby (old and new versions)

Both old and new versions of this adaptation by F. Scott Fitzgerald will have you in awe of the world of Gatsby and his love for his magnificent parties.  But, his parties were always a cloak of what he truly wants.  Read the book, watch both movies, whatever you want to do, but I highly recommend them all.  2013 Gatsby movie was visually cool though not gonna lie.


·My Man is Cupid

This isn’t a movie, but a K-drama.  I love it and the playful nature both characters have as they open up to each other.  They soon realize that they’re more connected than they think.  This drama is like a cop show+meets+romance+meets comedy+meets suspense.  I was here for it.  I think they could’ve cut and episode or two down, but overall this show was awesome and wholesome and everything I wanted to giggle about.


Okay!  I think this list is long enough! I have waay too many to recommend and so little time.

Even if you don’t have anyone to watch this with, I still suggest them to you.  Until next time everybody!  

Every shared movie night feels like a little piece of forever.
— unknown
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Dominique Lynn Dominique Lynn

Creating a Lookbook

“When you don’t dress like everyone else, you don’t have to think like everyone else.”

—Iris Apfel

Hi guys Dom here and welcome back to my blog!


 I just want it to write down some things…

some little tidbits that I thought would be interesting. This blog post is about my look book that I've made for the fall of 2024. I know I put it out late, but I was inspired by the old school pop magazines that you see and cool 90s esque colors. It's so funny because Britney Spears is one of my inspirations for trying to create this, along with my fashion love for Harauku styles in Japan.

 I really like girly frilly outfits and somewhat of an American style. Living in America to where those type of styles aren’t really shown (Lolita dress, Garu styles) is kind of smothering so my version of that is kind of watered down.  It’ll get better with time.  I also like the Korean styles, and how simplistic and intricate the designs are!


I am in the process of losing weight, but I also feel like it's important to enjoy yourself while you're losing weight, wear cute clothes, be fashionable and not live up to everybody's weird expectations. Enjoy fashion and things in the moment.

 I look back on some of my old pictures and realized that I didn't take a lot of pictures of MYSELF…

 Even when I was super overweight, it made me kind of angry I have no pictures. I was overweight then, and there were some good times.  I was mad because I didn't share them-or apart of me because I was overweight.

 I felt like I had to learn to love myself before I thought to create that look book and to also decide to want to lose the weight for my health


So here are some pictures from my lookbook I created. Feel free to lol look at them and enjoy them!

 I do look a little bit different since then.  And that’s okay!

Maybe this year I can create more look books and just more looks in general. I really do like fashion and how art always plays in it.

And get better at styling myself…

Anyways, enjoy and if you feel like dressing up do it!  Life’s too short to wait for a special occasion.  Every day is a special occasion if you let it.

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Dominique Lynn Dominique Lynn

Blog post 2

It all begins with an idea.

Coming soon!

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